Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quarter's Steam Roller

Surly Steam Roller complete with Velocity deep V wheels, Siguno cranks, Brooks saddle, geared 44-17, finished off with a Surly Tugnut/bottle opener. Ready to "ROLL"!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cold - very cold.

The big blizzard of `09 started with a few hours of freezing rain. Must get waterproof leg and foot gear at Tablerock Cycles soon. Cars and trucks were at about 5 mph or wildly passing those in their way. 29r works wonderfully in this stuff - fixed 35/18 and chunky tires. This shot was yesterday and this morning about a foot of snow was waiting for some playing. The cabin behind has smoke coming out of the pipe which along with some hot chocolate and chunky soup goes a long way toward fixing frozen feet. --- A beautiful day !

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This rhetorical question is a multiple choice - What do these photos indicate?

A. Aliens ride bikes
B. Mental health facilities are grossly underfunded
C. A revolutionary new bike frame material now exists that attracts garbage
D. Bike lanes should occaisionally have an off ramp leading to the land fill
E. Make a wish can`t help everybody
F. Scavenger hunts need to be regulated
G. In the greater scheme of things Narrow roads and dual wheel trucks have a Darwinian sort of purpose
H. Form does not always follow function
I. That the self proclaimed rights of this bike`s rider to charge $15 for having his photo taken in public replaces the pesky old guarantees of the first ammendment
J. That this bike`s rider is being looked after in a sense when his week long failure to understand directions for heading west prevents him from exercising his pursuit of happiness and encountering the "hills" that may actually exist between his current location and his next stop, Tennessee.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Friday, November 06, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Paul's new Surly Fixed Hub chained to 29er

Shiny Bike Fixed up!

Barely having time to ride, Johnnys ready to ride . Paul is headed back to work!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Afternoon Out of Town "Gives"

Everywhere equals fixed gear country.

Very warmed up and ready to fly up a few hills on Craig Creek Road.
Dropping some pure water into Geezor`s bottle for him. Thanks!
Timbered Branch along the way on Monday`s 4 and half hour getaway.

Remember Kids ! Stay in school or you could end up looking like this old man.

With 32c tire on the back and steel legs for brakes what are the odds that Johnny Acorn is going over his bars when he get to the bottom of a little speed bump? A great bike under him but $ can`t but skill or balls.

Gettin` in some good training til the next chance to get out of town comes along.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tablerockcycles Riddle

The Table Rock Cycles marching band consists of 7 rows. Tom and 6 other cyclist march in different rows and play different instruments. From the following cues can you determine each cyclist full name instrument and the row?

Schubert who is not the one who plays trombone marches farther back than Smith.
The boy who plays the drum marches in the middle row.
The trumpet player marches just ahead of Sam who is ahead of Faulkner.
There are no trombones in the first row.
Judy doesn't march in the last or first row.
Brian whose last name is not Miller does not march in the last rown and is not the trumpeter.
The flute player is ahead but not just ahead of Faye who is ahead of the Billings girl.
Both the saxophone player and Miller are ahead of Jilk who is not the one who plays tuba.
Max marches just behind the Truman girl and just ahead of the clarinet player.
Susan doesn't march in the last row.
Are you thinking clearly? You may get the answer in 1/2 the time it takes to ride the Bridge to Bridge.
Good luck!

Monday, October 05, 2009


Simple ride with nice back drop!

Wood cutting skills at hand!

Light camp, hope it doesn't rain

Captain's Camp

setting camp

In route to meet up in the creek!

Keepin it simple and light to camp overnight!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

New Build from the Basement

Johnny and 1/4 Mike

Paul from, get his bargain basement KHS Fixie

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Ride of Labor

Geezer and I set out today around 9am and returned at 5:45 for something of 81 miles fixed crossbike ride in our beloved leftover Mountains. The route traveled to the base of Grandfather and then onto Blowing Rock and back via Wilson's creek. Stopped to filter water and snacks.
Good ride, check the link for detailed route if you care!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Reset Complete

Well this is a self taken shot by Geezer after getting through the Blue Ridge Brutal. He is smiling out of relief and being beyond loopy.

The veins in his forehead aren`t sticking out as far as for the Blood Sweat and Gears ride but the feeling of (wow that was hard) has left him just as dazed and confused. He either over estimated himself or under estimated the 9000 feet of not too steep? climbing. Seemed like a butt kicker to him. (and he has rebuilt carburetors and shared the meaning of life with dogs and such).

The really fine folks at the Ashe Civic Center still had pasta and garlic bread left for stragglers like this guy and it was sitting on the tail gate to be inhaled right after this shot.

All in all there isn`t a perfect way to honestly describe the ride. 40/16 gear was do-able on all but a couple of stretches of hill/mountain but as is the nature of the beast you`re screwed going up or down in the hills or that perfect combination of both.

Cramps ? of course. S-Caps and lots of liquid taken. At around 80miles especially and then they died out. Probably good that fixed gear keeps rolling along. Takes the choice of stretching legs out away. Some head wind was very good training I guess.

Could catch some other riders on the uphills and then hear them whizzing by over and over again on the other side. One rider was at about the same overall pace and we talked for about 20 miles( to the finish). Trusting what you think to a stranger that you are sharing an experience with resembles a bit what folks going down in a crashing plane might feel. Why filter your thoughts? we`re all going down. Nice to cut through the we haven`t been properly introduced crap. Very good to meet folks who are`t too shiny.

There were parts of the ride that only seemed safe from traffic in a relative sort of way - as in hey that truck or camper can`t run over and mangle all of us. Maybe that`s what minnows figure in thinking that they are safe from that big fish drawing a bead on them.

A few parts of the ride were just plain gorgeous. The stretch of the Parkway is as pretty as it gets (except maybe for the same spot in a few months).

Was I happy with the time I got etc.? A bit over 8 hours is SLOW . I have two conflicting feelings which is like an answer of sorts to the old question, "Are you bragging or Complaining?" - Very greedy and Very Grateful.

Didn`t want to eat too much Ranger Rick brand wonder gruel before taking off into the hills.

For some reason the crowd of serious cyclists getting ready seemed hilarious. Pretentious behavior lives in various forms. At least I didn`t shave my legs or switch to bladed spokes. Team superstition rides on. One person`s smooth calves = the next person`s morning diet ritual.

Thank goodness Johnny Acorn showed up. Friends are indispensable even for hardened recluses.
The cruel side of being a responsible citizen sometimes though is having priorities kick the crap out of previous plans. Even Super Man has to sleep once in a while.

So - how can this be? Just a minute ago I had this neck of the woods all to myself and now strangers are pouring in from everywhere. At least I grabbed over 9 sweet hours of sleep with a few Valerian Root capsules and a deluxe Ranger Rick brand mattress system. Coffee is made and protein/oatmeal/raisin gruel is about to go on the range.

Reset by Bike Ride

Nobody at home except that old geezer over there in that little white pickup truck (and some folks would disagree with you on that).
The Kitchen and tons of carbs to go with the dose from the day before. Reading material and a little solitude. Need to relax and rest and find a managable corner of the world to do battle. (with myself of course)
Notice the stealth tech anti theft bicycle cover over beloved fixy.

Still Nothin

One tired,stressed,frustrated,old geezer with aching lower back and bad head ache. Also the right priced motel accomodation and the Geezer suit.

Don`t Know Nothin

A pretty place to get away from it all for an evening and try to get some sleep before the big ride. No permission was granted to "camp" in the parking lot but none was denied either. One nice shady spot under a cherry tree and after folks got their packets just a little road noise. Call me cheap or frugal or just weird - works for me.

I Don`t Know Nothin bout Nothin

The Ashe Civic Center parking lot - day before the ride and during early packet pick up. Sort of a rural area? A beautiful part of the planet with some very fine people.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Table Rock 30mile Fix

Geezer testing his legs a week after BSG 100

Ride of choice

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lowes Time Trial #3, July 15, 2009

Wednesday night was the 3rd installment of the 2009 Lowes Time Trial series in Charlotte. Clear skies, warm weather, and only a moderate breeze made for a good night for the 10-mile event.
Warming up in the pit garage prior to our start times.

We typically have start times close together and end up on the track at the same time. However, on this night we had Amy's son with us, so I waited to start until Amy finished her race. This gave us the chance to get some pictures of the race action. Amy's in the final countdown to her start.

Amy had another good ride and continued to shave time off, finishing her leg in 28 minutes, 6 seconds.
I also continued to improve, finishing in 26 minutes, 26 seconds. Go Table Rock Cycles.

A kid's ride was held prior to the main event, giving kids a chance to ride on the track. The proud mama poses with son Addison just before his ride.

Addy honing his sprint at the famous raceway. Future green jersey wearer?