Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Teacher Work Day

Legs on auto pilot and just a few miles to go - thinkin` about something good to eat right about now.

Teacher Work Day

High tech training. or Phueling for Phun.

Teacher Work Day

Well wait just a second and let me think about it. Am I hurt? I was flying down this wonderfully engineered fixed gear highway in the foothills/mountains of western NC. Being a gifted athlete with advanced cycling skills, the absence of posted speed limits was the devil that made me do it. I could have veered to the right and gone off the side of this "hill"or conducted a physics experiment for extra credit in the university of hard knocks. The pass/fail course survived this time involved this strategically placed rock. It was only a knee anyway.

Teacher Work Day

Jonny and Quartez chugging honey and leaping logs - just the smooth cruizing section of Monday`s 4 hour recovery ride.

Teacher Work Day

Almost to the top of our ridge for the day and realizing how productive we could have been had we stayed put and watched TV or something somewhere on that distant horizon . All of the normal people are down there - after all didn`t the weather man/woman say that the wind might blow or the temp drop or the sun shine or some such uncontrollable onslaught from nature that warrants staying tuned in for more info?

Teacher Work Day

Monday, October 20, 2008

Was that only 24 hours?

When people find you can fiddle then fiddle you must for all your life.

24 hour recreation - Good Training for later on

Jonny Acorn inspired everyone by leading the group in "won`t you be my neighbor?"
One nice little loop out of town ,leave the cars behind, get the heart beat up, eat and sleep - dream of the Continental Divide Trail.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fixin High Peak!

Quartez and Johnny up on the Mountain overlooking Motown!

Nice Fall Day, looking for trails and water!

Friday, October 10, 2008

When It`s Time Too Ride

Oh Yes ! Many of you have been asking , "But Mr. Geezor, how will I know when the time is right to get out and ride my fixed gear bike all over the side of some mountain?" That of course is a very serious question that only you can truly answer but let me offer one possible list of guide lines which works for me.
If the voice in my head runs from one side of it`s cage to the other looking for a way out.
If I inhale and forget to exhale.
When the world I`m trying to please starts laughing in unison and the check that`s in the mail seems to be lost.
If the last dozen or so calls I`ve gotten were computer generated attempts to prey on me.
If the stobe light effect used in most TV commercials to break me down seems like my friend.
When I`ve woken up, run to the phone and answered a friend`s inquiry as to my well being only to be put on hold by them because someone more important has just called them.
When the distinction `tween minimum and maximum speed limit has escaped the genius riding my bumper and they choose to threaten my life with 4000 lbs of chunk metal that makes them feel invincible.
When freedom without responsibilty - the indignant scream for imagined rights which are just a brainwashed mob`s latest choices made in a vacumn of personally accepted consequences replaces the bill of rights.
When whether or not something is true seems to be of no concern to the rest of the world.
When the fear of wasting any more of the limited time alotted one person for living begs to surrender to it`s own demise.
It is time to go. What you live for and die for. The same thing? Go Ride !

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Updated Rick Hunter Custom Fork

The Fork was made for the custom 29er IF fixie, after cracking the last Frame. IF Built up a new Frame to replace the old one. Custom Fork was brazed and segmented together. Nice work for the weight!

At Last

The most important question one can ask in life is "how many grams does it weigh?" - Wait ! Wait! - The dark side almost sucked the heart out of my bone marrow again. Conventional wisdom sometimes does that (suck that is). - Each to his own and live and let live and all that - no problem. Just an old geezer`s opinion however that if "it",what- ever "it" is ,doesn`t translate into individual experience then it might just be somebody else`s thing you are doing. (so to speak of course) TRC `s Wheel guru built this awesome 29er wheel with new Phil fixed fixed and bullet proof this and that and in a world with $4 and rising gas the price makes sense. The PURE joy from just one ooh aah ride with 34/18 and fat tires in the Carolina foothills is the stuff you take to heaven. I thought about commenting on Surly hubs but if your`s works just enjoy what you `ve got until they`re paper weights which I hope takes much longer than mine took.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Table Rock Cycles Banner Flies at Lowes Motor Speedway Time Trial Series Finale

TRC was represented by Jim Clark and Amy Alexander at the season finale of the Lowes Motor Speedway Time Trial Series on Wednesday, October 1, in Concord, NC. Jim and Amy competed in the 10-mile individual event along with 200 other USCF-licensed and recreational cyclists.

Amy placed second in the Women's 30-34 division with a time of 30:23.26 at an average speed of 19.74 mph. This was her first competitive event after starting cycling this year, and she beat the series points leader in her division by two minutes.

Jim competed in the fixed gear division on his TRC Soma Delancey. Riding a 44x16 gear, he achieved his goal of not finishing dead last and placed 5th out of 6 with a time of 29:29.93 at an average speed of 20.34mph.

Amy's pre-race game face shows why she, with only a few months of cycling experience, finished within one minute of Jim, with 19 years cycling experience.

It was a beautiful evening in the low 70s, although a strong headwind on the backstrech made for challenging conditions. And for those of you who have never been on a speedway... they ain't completely flat. A false flat running up to the start/finish line made coming off the windswept backstretch even tougher.

It was a thrill getting to race on the actual speedway. The track length is 1.5 miles, making the 10-mile event a 7-lap race. The 10-mile TT ran on the apron, and racers in a concurrent 40-k TT got the banked part of the track.

Amy turning onto pit road toward the start/finish line after completing her warm up.

Early arrivers got their pick of garage bays behind pit road. Who may have gone before in this very pit garage... Earnhardt maybe? Yarborough? The king himself, Petty? Alexander/Clark add their names to the speedway annals.

Jim is pretty sure Dale didn't have to pump up his own tires.