The most important question one can ask in life is "how many grams does it weigh?" - Wait ! Wait! - The dark side almost sucked the heart out of my bone marrow again. Conventional wisdom sometimes does that (suck that is). - Each to his own and live and let live and all that - no problem. Just an old geezer`s opinion however that if "it",what- ever "it" is ,doesn`t translate into individual experience then it might just be somebody else`s thing you are doing. (so to speak of course) TRC `s Wheel guru built this awesome 29er wheel with new Phil fixed fixed and bullet proof this and that and in a world with $4 and rising gas the price makes sense. The PURE joy from just one ooh aah ride with 34/18 and fat tires in the Carolina foothills is the stuff you take to heaven. I thought about commenting on Surly hubs but if your`s works just enjoy what you `ve got until they`re paper weights which I hope takes much longer than mine took.
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